Directed by: Adam Gierasch
Plot: Angela's extravagant Halloween bash at the mysterious Broussard Mansion is the talk of the town inviting teens from all over to take part in the festivities. Once the Police break the party up, Maddie (Kenner) and a group of others are coincidentally locked inside where a group of ancient demons are keen on taking over and wreaking bloody mayhem.
Gierasch's close-knit remake on the 80's horror is one of many remakes thrown on the direct-to-video shelf, but is Demons worthy of your time this coming Halloween? A question the director and his team of handy workers most probably decided to dodge.
Appearing like a deer caught in the headlights, Monica Kenner's single expression throughout the film provides seamless entertainment as our eyes divert from the gruesome creatures to her stiff, plasticated mouth. Furlong hardly strays from reality as a lonesome, depressed loser while Baird and Laid to Rest actress Bobbie Sue Luther promise the goods. Much like the original, it all screams trashy fun. Sadly, with the distinctly uninteresting, sloppy script and pitiful excuse of talent on show, the film leans more towards plain ol' trash.
While it never particularly oozes originality or, well, anything genuinely good, Night of the Demons is an 93 minute time waster that is loud, wild and full of latex gore featured in enough nauseatingly incoherent scenes that will entertain those desperate for a quick shock on Halloween. Nothing more, nothing less.